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FFXIV Cloud Of Darkness: How Do You Deal With This Very Powerful Boss In World Of Darkness? - Preparation & Strategy

FFXIV Cloud Of Darkness: How Do You Deal With This Very Powerful Boss In World Of Darkness? - Preparation & Strategy

Publish Date: Jan 04 ,2025

Some time ago, Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail released a new Chaotic mode in the original very popular World of Darkness, which allows the entire alliance to fight against the 100-level version of Cloud of Darkness, which appeared in the story of A Realm Reborn. But the battle you experience here will be more difficult than before, because the enemy level has been increased by 50 levels and has added some additional attacks. So just be more vigilant when challenging it and coordinate the whole team. The difficulty of this boss is only at the medium level of the current game content.

FFXIV Cloud Of Darkness: How Do You Deal With This Very Powerful Boss In World Of Darkness? - Preparation & Strategy

If you don’t have such conditions at present, don’t worry too much. This guide will introduce you to how to deal with this terrifying dark cloud from two aspects: pre-battle preparation and combat strategy, so that you can kill it as quickly as possible and get a lot of loot.

Pre-Battle Preparation

You unlock the location of this boss, World of Darkness (Chaotic), after completing the level 100 Dawntrail quest called How the West Was Sung. In addition, you will need to complete the main story in Patch 7.0 and speak to Wandering Minstrel in Tuliyollal (X: 11.2, Y: 14.7) to gain access to the raid where you fight Cloud of Darkness.
FFXIV Wandering Minstrel

Although the developers stated at the time of release that it was technically possible to do this raid with only 12 players, after actual testing by many players, you and a group of 24 players will be the best team to complete this raid, including six tanks, six healers, and 12 DPS. Most importantly, everyone must be at item level 710 or higher, which can be achieved by completing Echoes of Vana’diel raid.

Strategy In Battle

Although Cloud of Darkness is fierce, it does not use any new attacks that have never appeared in FFXIV or Shadowbringers or Endwalker expansion. If you have completed those Savage-level raids before challenging it, it will be very easy to predict the next move of this boss and react more accurately.

However, it should be noted that Cloud of Darkness has a very fast attack speed, even one of the best in the game, and can complete an overwhelming attack on you by performing multiple moves. It is precisely because of this potent combination of attacks that this raid has earned the title of chaotic. So when facing this boss, you need to make sure to spend some FFXIV Gil to make your build very flexible, so that there is a certain possibility of getting through this difficult time.

Another thing to note is that Cloud of Darkness will automatically attack all three tanks first. These attacks are very fierce and will greatly reduce the tanks’ resistance to subsequent damage. So in the three-tank build, you should use Provoke as much as possible to protect your partners, which is also a common ability of tanks in the game. In addition to the bleed damage it can cause to you and your companions, the ability to heal health and use Ensua is also very important to complete the fight.

FFXIV healers

Main Attacks

Now let’s take a look at what attacks Cloud of Darkness will use in the fight with you and what strategies you should use. When starting the fight, it will use its one hand to split a large area of ​​the current arena and slam the ground in front of it. Like most boss attacks in FFXIV, there is a high-level warning to remind you of what is coming next. So you can dodge by standing under the other arm that is not raised and avoid the melee attack damage it will cause from the front.

Next, Cloud of Darkness will perform two moves at the same time. First, many lasers will spawn from the south and east of the arena. At this time, please turn your camera to find and avoid all lasers. Then a random number of players on your team will be marked with Stillness markers, which have appeared in previous raids. During this time, one of your tank teammates will have 3 tagged Flares, which may help Cloud of Darkness attack you. When they start to attack you, try to stay away from untagged teammates, especially those who can provide ranged DPS, and use defensive cooldowns to mitigate the damage you take.

In addition, Cloud of Darkness also has two different mechanics, pushing outward from the center and pulling inward. If a blue circle appears in the arena, it means that it is now a push-out mechanic, so try to get as close to the circle as possible to avoid being knocked out of the arena. If it is a black circle, it means that it is a pull-in mechanic and you need to move away immediately to avoid being killed immediately. It is best to run to the center to avoid follow-up attacks. When Cloud of Darkness reaches around 70% of health. It will summon three Stygian Shadow clones, one each to the west, south, and east of the arena. If you’ve experienced Eden’s Promise raid in FFXIV Shadowbringers, you’ll notice that these enemies are pretty much the same.

The tank here is just moving around to avoid all the enemies, the off-tank can try to disable them, and the ranged DPS can destroy them as quickly as possible to relieve the tank. Meteor pads will appear at various points around the arena, requiring 3-4 players to stand on them to avoid spreading damage to the raid. Once you’ve done enough damage to the three Stygian Shadow clones, Cloud of Darkness will reset back to its original state. If your team has strong DPS, it’s easy to get this boss down to around 20% health, and with just a few minutes of fighting, you’ll win the raid and earn the Cloud Strife achievement for all players.

The above are the specific methods and strategies for you to defeat Cloud of Darkness in World of Darkness in FFXIV Dawntrail. Although some of this boss’s attacks may seem complicated, in fact, as long as your build is flexible enough, you can completely avoid most of its moves that can cause tremendous damage. I wish you a happy game!

FFXIV: Collect This Cute And Useful Spinettesaurus Minion!

FFXIV: Collect This Cute And Useful Spinettesaurus Minion!

Publish Date: Dec 12 ,2024

As players explore Final Fantasy XIV, combat prowess is one element that can be used to show off and compete, but players’ personal style is also the key to comparison in the game. No matter what stage of exploration progress you are in, your character can show off your unique personal taste to other players.

Among those things that can be shown off are carefully matched costumes, some are weapons with unique combat abilities obtained from some of the game’s most arduous battles, and some are various cute and interesting minions obtained through different quests. And in the first major patch of FFXIV Dawntrail, Patch 7.1 Crossroads, there is a minion that is very worth collecting, called Spinettesaurus Minion. If you haven’t put in the effort yet, why not get it as quickly as possible using the methods provided by this guide?

FFXIV: Collect This Cute And Useful Spinettesaurus Minion!

What Is The Use Of Spinettesaurus Minion?

In fact, Spinettesaurus Minion has no actual use, only to be collected and admired by others. But you can tell from the rich graphical detail it has that the developers have put a lot of effort into FFXIV’s new graphical capabilities.

This Spinettesaurus Minion’s actions are classified as independent in the game, so besides watching, you can also send it to Gold Saucer mini-game Lord of Vermillion to complete various objectives on your behalf and collect a large amount of FFXIV MGP for your gambling.

How To Get Spinettesaurus Minion?

In the current game content, you can get this very cute Spinettesaurus Minion in two ways: Voyages and Marketboard. Now let us introduce them to you one by one. You can choose the method that best suits your needs.


Voyages in the game are exclusive to Free Company guilds, so make sure you have joined them before you start exploring. Alternatively, you can create a Free Company guild yourself, as long as you reach level 25 and join a Grand Company.

Then you can talk to Free Company administrator and select Found a Free Company tab it offers you. After you upgrade Free Company guild you created to the specified level, you can start exploring the voyage.

You’ll need to enter a small workshop and send out submarines or early airships to collect random materials. Airships and submarines can be deployed at the same time, but there is a limit to the number of airships and submarines that can be deployed at the same time.

It is worth reminding you here that the more advanced the equipment you use, the more valuable rewards you are likely to get. It’s also important to note that the combination of parts you used to build your submersible will determine how far it can travel, as well as the rewards you get from that voyage.

Because a new location added in Patch 7.1 Crossroads allows you to cross to a higher level location, you can explore in a lower level range first, and then cross to Central Blue destination where Spinettesaurus Minion is located. But it should be noted that you need to send your submarine to Voyagers’ Reprieve in advance to unlock its reveal.

This requires multiple attempts. If the attempt fails, you can first farm some FFXIV Gil in the low-level exploration area so that your character’s defense and survivability can be improved. Then, launch the exploration again after a period of time or the next day. At this time, because the drop rate of all items will be refreshed, you may find the servant you want more easily.

In Central Blue destination, in addition to obtaining Spinettesaurus Minion, you can also find some botanist logs and a Stuffed Axolotl Eft if you are lucky. But more often, you will get Acacia Log, Claro Walnut Log, Dark Mahogany Log, Acacia Lumber, Claro Walnut Lumber, Dark Mahogany Lumber, which are also very valuable items.


Of course, you can also directly obtain Spinettesaurus Minion by trading with other players at Marketboard. Here is a reminder that the more free companies that work hard to hone these voyages, the higher the frequency of its appearance on Marketboard.

You can also sell this minion on Marketboard for 600,000 or 700,000 FFXIV Gil if you need it urgently, but the price may drop if the supply of it on Marketboard exceeds the demand. So if you don’t like the look of this Spinettesaurus Minion and don’t plan to keep it as a collectible, you can sell it as soon as possible when the price is high after you get it, otherwise you may face some losses.

These are the two specific ways you can get Spinettesaurus Minion in Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail. Hopefully, you can get this interesting minion smoothly and easily with the help of this guide. In general, we recommend that players obtain most of the collectibles in the game through actual exploration, because this not only allows you to experience the ultimate gaming experience but also because you can place it on Marketboard for trading for more Gil. If you only want convenience at the beginning, you will miss a very worthwhile transaction. I wish you a happy game!

FFXIV: How To Easily Defeat All Bosses In Yuweyawata Field Station Dungeon? - Overview & Rewards

FFXIV: How To Easily Defeat All Bosses In Yuweyawata Field Station Dungeon? - Overview & Rewards

Publish Date: Nov 28 ,2024

A few weeks ago, Final Fantasy 14 released Patch 7.1, which brought a lot of new content to players. The most exciting thing for players is the expansion of the main quest, which will bring players a lot of fresh exploration experience, such as new bosses and new quest lines.

Among the new exploration content, a new level 100 dungeon called Yuweyawata Field Station Dungeon has become the heart of many players. Not only because this location is related to the story background of Zoraal Ja in the game, but also because it will provide you with the ultimate equipment set such as the new Yuweyawata armor set.

FFXIV: How To Easily Defeat All Bosses In Yuweyawata Field Station Dungeon? - Overview & Rewards

In addition, Yuweyawata Field Station is also a new requirement for you to participate in Duty Roulette: Expert. Because Yuweyawata Field Station Dungeon has so many functions, it is very necessary to understand some of the content in this dungeon in this guide, especially how to fight the bosses in it. Here, you will be introduced to their main attack abilities and what rewards you will get.

1. Lindblum Zaghnal

Lindblum Zaghnal looks like a boar with many horns on his face. He will use the environment around you and his arena to use various ways to deal lightning damage to you. So when you fight this boss, you should combine brute strength and surging lightning tightly together to release their maximum effectiveness.

At the same time, you must always pay attention to Lindblum Zaghnal’s movements in the arena and make defensive moves such as dodging in time, so that you can safely survive this very deadly boss battle. The following are the main attacks used by Lindblum Zaghnal.

Electrical Overload

When it casts this skill, you will see that all the horns on its face begin to glow, and there will be lightning currents between adjacent horns. It should be noted here that the damage caused by this skill cannot be avoided by you and your team, so all you can do here is to use as much defensive ability as possible.


In this skill, Lindblum Zaghnal will first rush to a certain location in the arena and pierce the wall or ground with his horns. At this time, you should dodge as much as possible to avoid being hit.

When hitting the wall, one chunk will quickly cast a series of linear attacks on you, and then the boss will throw some Caber Toss at you. After the throw is over, the chunk will be thrown into your arena by the boss, and it will then attack linearly again. It is important to avoid those linear attacks as much as possible while you are damaging the boss, otherwise you will die quickly because the boss can also cause a lot of damage to you.

When the boss hits the ground, Raw Electrope will spawn around the arena. When you destroy Raw Electrope, you will see a bar above the arena. After you destroy all of them, the bar will be full and provide you with some damage capabilities. The advice here is to remember to avoid the lightning in the arena.

Lightning Storm

When Lindblum Zaghnal casts this ability, you’ll see bolts of lightning burst from his body, each of which will track your position and deal continuous lightning damage to you. There is a workaround for this ability, however, and that is to stay as far away from the boss as possible, as Lightning Storm has a range requirement.

2. Overseer Kanilokka

Because Overseer Kanilokka is a subordinate of Zoraal Ja, it will use various soul-damaging attacks that are in line with its status, which is very similar to Aulus mal Asina in the level 70 dungeon Ala Mhigo.

For this boss, your character’s flexibility is very important, because you need to dodge Kanilokka’s large amount of damage during Free Spirits quickly. So before you challenge it, you can use more FFXIV Gil to enhance and improve your character properly. Here are the specific attacks of this boss.

Dark Souls

When Overseer Kanilokka casts Dark Souls, it will hit the current target hard. So if you are using a tank job, you can get a little closer to it and let it lock your position. At the same time, you need to use defensive abilities such as Rampart to prevent your health from dropping rapidly.

Free Spirits

This is the most powerful of all Overseer Kanilokka’s attacks, because it will cause inevitable damage to you and your team, and the only thing you can do is to dodge as much as possible. This is especially true for the fast curved attacks that follow.

Phantom Flood

In this skill, Kanilokka will cause large-scale AOE damage to you, but fortunately, only a small area in the center of the arena is safe. So when you see the boss start to cast this skill on you, move to a safe area as soon as possible.

Dark II

This skill is a wave-based attack method. The first wave of attacks forms a group of cone attacks on you in a ring centered on the boss, and the second wave of attacks will appear in the previous safe area. So you need to always pay attention to Kanilokka’s position and move to a safe area on time.

3. Tural Vidraal (also known as Lunipyati)

Tural Vidraal gets its name because it attacks very fiercely, just like the snake Valigarmanda fights in Dawntrail Main Scenario Quest. Like Lindblum Zaghnal, Lunipyati is also very good at using the arena to attack you.

However, the difference is that all of this boss’s attacks are very deadly, and if you make a slight mistake, you are likely to fail the challenge immediately. Here are some of its main attack mechanisms.

Raging Claw

In this skill, it will repeatedly hit everything in front of it - you or the ground. So at this time, go around its back to reduce the potential damage.

Beastly Roar

This is also an unavoidable damage ability. But be careful not to get too close to Lunipyati, but stand at a distance, because the closer you are to the boss, the more damage you will take. But don’t retreat to the edge of the arena, because then a series of rapid eruptions will appear around the arena, which can also cause a lot of damage.


After you successfully clear all the bosses and enemies, you can get a lot of Final Fantasy XIV Gil and Yuweyawata set, which is an item level 705, in the treasure chest at the exit. This is a very worthwhile item for players who have just reached level 100 or those who want to use some simple equipment for alternate jobs. In addition, this set uses unique new armor models, which differ completely from the previous equipment sets, so it is also a perfect item for players who like to collect.

The above is the specific method and combat strategy for you to fight those bosses in Yuweyawata Field Station Dungeon. I hope you can easily crack all the boss’ battles with the help of this guide and safely get all the rewards. I wish you a happy game!

FFXIV: How To Defeat Queen Eternal Which Is Last Boss Of Your Last Encounter? - Preparation & Ways

FFXIV: How To Defeat Queen Eternal Which Is Last Boss Of Your Last Encounter? - Preparation & Ways

Publish Date: Oct 11 ,2024

As you near the end of your exploration of Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail, you will encounter your last boss, called Queen Eternal. After you defeat her, you will reach the end of Dawntrail, so you can imagine how difficult this battle is.

But don’t worry, this guide will break down Queen Eternal’s moves in battle and how you can successfully defeat her. Of course, there will also be some things you should prepare before challenging her. Without further ado, follow this guide to explore Queen Eternal!

FFXIV: How To Defeat Queen Eternal Which Is Last Boss Of Your Last Encounter? - Preparation & Ways

Pre-Battle Preparation

First of all, you need to be clear that your battle with Queen Eternal takes place in Interphos, which is also part of your main story experience in FFXIV Dawntrail, so you can automatically enter this arena without complicated exploration.

However, if you leave this area, you can also use Duty Finder to find other players who want to enter this area to challenge Queen Eternal, and then enter together. It should be noted that all item levels participating in this battle must be 670 or above.

If not, you can get some weapons and armor with item level 690 for free by talking to NPC called Mewazunte in Tuliyollal (X: 12.5, Y: 13). If you don’t have much time to travel between different areas, you can also directly use FFXIV Gil to upgrade the items you are currently using.

Queen Eternal’s Fighting Moves And How To Deal With Them

Like most bosses in Final Fantasy 14, Queen Eternal will also send out some signals and name the moves before releasing her skills. So you can predict how to avoid being hurt based on each of her skills. Below are the names of each of Queen Eternal’s skills and their effects, as well as your countermeasures. Hopefully, you can master these skills in daily practice.

Legitimate Force

At this time, two of Queen Eternal’s four hands will begin to glow and split the entire arena in two. At this time, you should try to stand opposite its two glowing hands to avoid being hurt by the entire arena.

If its hands start to move left and right, then you should move to the middle of the two hands and keep away from the two glowing hands.


At this time, Queen Eternal will launch some attacks on you that you cannot avoid and cause some damage. At this time, you must not rush, and calmly let the healers restore your health for you to facilitate a longer fight. When you are the healer, you should prioritize healing jobs that can deal with DPS.

Aether Accelerates

The arena between you will now be a green and black grid with a cone-shaped section that will twist three times. All you need to do is get away from the cones as quickly as possible, or you will die instantly.

Coronation (1)

A movable target that can damage you and your team will appear below you and will lock onto your position after a few seconds. You can use homing circles to keep the rest of your team away from the target, then move the homing circles away once it locks onto your position.

This will reduce the number of casualties on your team, but will require a lot of survivability, so you can use some FFXIV Gil to boost your defenses before the fight.

Prosecution Of War

Queen Eternal will focus on attacking the tank on your team, and there is no way to dodge. If you are the poor tank, you will need to equip at least the reworked Paladin’s Holy Sheltron to survive this phase.

FFXIV Holy Sheltron

Virtual Shift (1)

The entire arena will turn into an hourglass shape, and everyone will inevitably take damage. Therefore, you should try to stand in the center of the arena to avoid falling.


At this point, Queen Eternal will fire a lot of small impact points at you. You can stand near the impact zone and use solid ground to protect yourself from damage.

Coronation (2)

You will see a number of triangles appear between you and your team. These triangles are calculated based on the average distance between you and other team members, and they will also fire some lasers. You and your team should stand at opposite points of the triangles to focus the lasers.

Virtual Shift (2)

Similar to Legitimate Force, the entire arena will become two platforms, and all players will float. You need to find a place to land as much as possible, otherwise you will fall into the arena and can no longer participate in the battle.


At this point, Queen Eternal will form a wall with holes in it, slamming into the team. You need to find the right time to dodge the wall accurately, and it is best to go through the small hole.

Divide And Conquer

At this time, Queen Eternal will shoot lasers at you, which will first be fired at all eight players in sequence, and then fired at the same time. You should spread out your positions to avoid stacking damage.

These are some methods and preparations for defeating Queen Eternal in Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail. I hope this guide can make it easier for you to challenge this ultimate boss. I wish you a happy game!

FFXIV: 5 Tips For New Players Need To Know When Entering Game

FFXIV: 5 Tips For New Players Need To Know When Entering Game

Publish Date: Sep 29 ,2024

As a large-scale MMO game, FFXIV has rich game content and complex and diverse game mechanisms. Even players who have played for a long time may not say that they fully understand every aspect of the game.

Because the game has a certain popularity, there are always new players joining in. In order to prevent them from wasting unnecessary FFXIV Gil and energy in the game, it is necessary to bring them some tips for playing Final Fantasy XIV for the first time.FFXIV: 5 Tips For New Players Need To Know When Entering Game

1. Don’t Worry Too Much When Choosing Your First Class

After entering the game, players usually need to choose one of three Main Characters, Tank, Healer, and DPS, as their first Class. But because they are new players and don’t fully understand the details of each Character, they may regret it after making a choice.

But in fact, this will not cause you too much negative impact, because when you upgrade this Class to Level 30 and complete a certain amount of game content, you will get a Soul Crystal, or you can also call it a Job Stone.

After having it, choice of Class actually becomes less important. You can also try to develop a new Class with different Weapons than existing Class.

FFXIV is essentially a game that supports players to develop multiple Classes. When you find that you are too high in Main Quest, a new Class can help you.

This not only allows you to experience more gameplay but also allows you to accumulate XP for new Class faster if Level of new Class is lower than your highest Level Class.

2. Choice Of Deities Is Not That Important

When you create your game character, the game asks you to choose a Deity to Worship. Each Deity has its own Symbol and Description. Just like Class selection, although this seems important, it will not have a big impact on your subsequent game progress.

In previous versions of the game, you would gain Resistance to your Deities’ affinity, but this content has been removed. The main function of Deities now is that when you Get Married in the game, you will see your Symbol and your Spouse’s Symbol lined up at Wedding.

So if you have to say, you can choose a Deity that will attract your Partner or is similar to your role-playing philosophy.

3. Complete All Side Quests But Don’t Rush

When you start your Final Fantasy XIV journey, you’ll find that there are a lot of Side Quests to complete. Some will tell you some basic game operations, how to Emote or Interact with Objects, while others are just boring Fetch Quests.

So you don’t have to run all over Map just to complete them. You can take on as many of them as possible and then check Map to see which ones are close to you and can be completed immediately.

Try to complete Side Quests that are close to you at the moment. As for those that are farther away, you might as well leave them for when you are nearby because of exploring Main Quest.

4. It’s OK To Start In Different Citys Than Your Friends

Depending on Class you choose when creating your character, you will be assigned to the corresponding City of the three Cities, and then start your own Main Story and Quests.

And if you plan to go with a friend and find that you are not in the same City, don’t be disappointed, because when you complete Level 15 Main Quest, you can go to a new City to continue Story.

If you just want to hang out with your friends from the start, you can choose Class that will be assigned to the same City. This will basically be foolproof.

5. Complete Hall Of The Novice

No matter which City you start your gaming career in, there will be an Adventurer’s Guild there. When your game character reaches Level 15, you can Register and Receive Training in Hall Of The Novice by interacting with the sprout-looking Icon in Guild.

Some players may not know how to get to Hall Of The Novice. It’s easy. You can navigate to Duty Tab of Action Bar and then select Hall Of The Novice.

Once you reach Hall Of The Novice, you will find that it contains many Challenges, mainly by completing them to learn how to play your selected Class better. These Challenges will not only teach you some necessary Knowledge, but players can also get Rewards after completing them.

With the above tips, believe that FFXIV new players who need it have basically understood how to play the game. Enjoy your Final Fantasy XIV journey!

FFXIV: How To Get Qeziigural Mount That Can Take You To Explore Cenote Ja Ja Gural Treasure Map Dungeon Easily?

FFXIV: How To Get Qeziigural Mount That Can Take You To Explore Cenote Ja Ja Gural Treasure Map Dungeon Easily?

Publish Date: Sep 28 ,2024

There are dozens of new collectibles in the current Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail, including many cute mounts, Minions, and glamour items. You can use these collectibles to show your mastery of the game to too many players, especially those rare mounts.

But some rare mounts are not just for showing off. Powerful mounts like Qeziigural Mount can allow you to obtain numerous rare items and FFXIV Gil in Cenote Ja Ja Gural Treasure Map Dungeon newly added to Dawntrail successfully. But Qeziigural Mount is not so easy to obtain. You need to spend some time and effort on it. This guide will show you how to get this beautiful and practical mount.

FFXIV: How To Get Qeziigural Mount That Can Take You To Explore Cenote Ja Ja Gural Treasure Map Dungeon Easily?

How To Get Qeziigural Mount?

To get Qeziigural Mount, you need to take 3 Twilight Gemstones in Final Fantasy 14 to Uah’Shepya at Solution Nine (X:8.6, Y:13.5) to trade. When you are near Uah’Shepya, select Sublime Curiosities on your screen and you will get Qeziigural Horn.

Sounds simple, doesn’t it? But Twilight Gemstones are a very rare drop in Cenote Ja Ja Gural Treasure Map Dungeon. Here I need to remind you that you need to decipher a Final Fantasy 14 Timeworn Br’aaxskin Map and find a marked treasure chest first, so that the portal to the dungeon will appear.

You need to fight waves of enemies in this dungeon until a treasure chest appears. The advice I can give you here is to use as much FFXIV Gil as possible before the battle to make your Job stronger so that you can better fight against countless enemies.

Then you will encounter another multiple-choice question, which requires you to choose the right path. You need to be extremely careful here and observe all signs. Otherwise, if you choose the wrong answer, you will be kicked out of the dungeon and everything will start all over again.

This is why Qeziigural Mount is so rare. After you get Qeziigural Horn, you can exchange it for Qeziigural Mount you want. Then it’s time to show off and explore! Hopefully, you can collect enough Twilight Gemstones in this Cenote Ja Ja Gural Treasure Map Dungeon and get this mount as soon as possible. Have fun playing!

FFXIV: How To Collect And Use Purple Scrips?

FFXIV: How To Collect And Use Purple Scrips?

Publish Date: Sep 27 ,2024

Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail introduces a new class of Crafters’ and Gatherers’ Scrips: Orange. This change makes it easier to obtain Purple Scrips, and players can use these vouchers to obtain items such as Crafting Master Recipe Books, Materia, and materials. Gathering Purple Scrips will be an important task for players who want to focus on crafting and gathering in Dawntrail.

Purple Crafters’ Scrips

Crafting a level 99 Collectable will yield the most Purple Crafters’ Scrips. However, different Jobs will have different crafting difficulties. This is because different recipes require different materials. Taking into account the cost, difficulty of obtaining materials, and the number of Scrips obtained, we found some of the best options and their corresponding recipes:

Leatherworker - Rarefied Gargantuaskin Trousers

  • 8 Gargantua Hide - 24 Bicolor Gemstones
  • 2 Acacia Bark - Botany
  • 5 Levinsilk - Botany
  • 5 Ra'Kaznar Ore - Mining
  • 1 Magnesia Powder - Mining

Weaver - Rarefied Thunderyards Silk Gloves

  • 10 Levinsilk - Botany
  • 4 Gargantua Hide - 12 Bicolor Gemstones
  • 1 Acacia Bark - Botany
  • 5 Ra'Kaznar Ore - Mining
  • 1 Magnesia Powder - Mining

Culinarian - Rarefied Stuffed Peppers

  • 6 Turali Corn - Botany
  • 5 Ut'ohmu Tomato - Botany
  • 1 Dragon Pepper - Botany
  • 1 Alpaca Fillet - 3 Bicolor Gemstones
  • 3 Bell Pepper - Botany

FFXIV: How To Collect And Use Purple Scrips?

When choosing the best crafting option, Rarefied Stuffed Peppers is an excellent choice because it requires the least number of collectible items. In addition, the basic materials required for Turali Corn Oil and Ut’ohmu Chili Sauce can actually make three collectibles. Rarefied Gargantuaskin Trousers and Rarefied Thunderyards Silk Gloves require more items per crafting. They also cost more if obtained from the Market Board with Bicolor Gemstones or FFXIV Gil.

For other quests, the collectible is less appealing because of its recipe requiring Black Stars. This item requires two tiers of pre-crafting, so it is more time-consuming to collect numerous collectible items. This also means that the number of items collected per crafting is much higher than the other options mentioned previously.

However, if you don’t mind spending more time, the rare Rakazna War Scythe crafted through Blacksmith is a good choice, especially if you have a Miner Retainer to help you collect more.

Purple Gatherers’ Scrips

To collect Purple Scrips for Gatherers, you need to have Miner and Botanist up to level and fully equipped, then collect the timed nodes that appear within two Eorzean hour intervals. These items will reward 14 to 16 Purple Gatherers’ Scrips at base Collectability, and 35 to 38 at maximum Collectability of 1,000.

If you don’t have enough gear to reach the maximum Collectability of Dawntrail materials, you can collect Collectables from previous expansions.

What To Spend Purple Scrips On?

Without Crafting and Gathering, you can also make good money by making weekly Custom Deliveries and converting your Scrips to Materia. But before converting Purple Scrips to Materia, it’s best to first obtain every Master Recipe Book for every Crafting Job, as well as all Regional Folklore Books for Gatherers.

Each Crafter Master Recipe Book costs 1,200 Purple Crafters’ Scrips. For Gatherers, each Regional Folklore Book costs 1,600 Purple Gatherers’ Scrips.

Once you have these items, you can choose to sell them or use them to fuse equipment, or focusing on stocking up on Crafter and Gatherer Materia.

In short, Pentamelding a full set of Crafting or Gathering equipment, requires a lot of Purple Scrips, so you need to get as many Purple Scrips as possible.

FFXIV: How To Get A Very Cute Shark Minion? - Steps

FFXIV: How To Get A Very Cute Shark Minion? - Steps

Publish Date: Sep 27 ,2024

In Final Fantasy XIV, you will have a lot of cute things to collect, such as the hairstyles you can change or the mounts you use. Although you may have to spend a lot of time to get them, these cute things will make you more eye-catching in the game world.

Fortunately, not all items are difficult to obtain. For example, Cornservants or Minions can be obtained through some quests in the game. Among them, Shark Minion is deeply loved by players because of its very cute appearance. So this guide will introduce you step by step how to get this cute Shark Minion. If you are very interested in cute food, then come and take a look!

FFXIV: How To Get A Very Cute Shark Minion? - Steps

How To Unlock Shark Minion?

In the description in the game, Shark Minion is also called Major-General, a servant with a shark shape but legs. To get it, you need to unlock the achievement of No More Fish in the Sea I, so you must use Fisher Job to participate in Ocean Fishing when completing this quest.

First, you need to go to Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks and talk to N’nmulika (X: 7.9, Y: 14.2). Note that you need to have another job after level 1 to unlock Disciple of Land job.

Then, when you accept So You Want to Be a Fisher quest and say yes, your next quest, Way of the Fisher, begins. After completing this quest, your Fisher Job is unlocked, and you will also be given some fishing rods, bait, and FFXIV Gil.

Next, you can unlock Ocean Fishing quest. Note that you need to change your job to Fisher Job to do this quest. You also need to go to Fishermen’s Guild and Fhilsnoe (X: 7.8, Y: 14.5) there to pick up a quest called All the Fish in the Sea, which you can complete before you can do Ocean Fishing.

FFXIV Fishermen’s Guild

Once you join a fishing crew of 24 players, you’ll hit the high seas and start fishing. Unlike other activities, Ocean Fishing is only available at certain times - every two hours in real time.

If you want to participate in this activity, you may want to keep an eye on the real-world time and set aside 15 minutes to talk to Dryskthota (X: 3.0 Y: 12.7) in Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks. This is very important.

When you catch a few fish on your boat, which represent different scores, your mission will begin. It should be noted that you need to score 5,000 points in a single voyage on Indigo route to get No More Fish in the Sea I achieve.

Once you unlock the achievement, you can claim some rewards and that cute Shark Minion Major-General in your Achievement tab!


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