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WoW Classic SoD: A New Raid Has Been Revealed In Phase 5 - Crystal Vale

WoW Classic SoD: A New Raid Has Been Revealed In Phase 5 - Crystal Vale

Publish Date: Sep 30 ,2024

Here comes good news for every loyal fans of World of Warcraft Classic that a brand new raid has been officially launched in Season of Discovery Phase 5 - Crystal Vale. And you can launch a fight with Prince Thunderaan.

Crystal Vale Raid, along with Season of Discovery versions of Blackwing Lair and Zul’Gurub, has contributed some of the new contents in phase 5 and was launched on September 26.

WoW Classic SoD: A New Raid Has Been Revealed In Phase 5 - Crystal Vale

There are some other updated that have been disclosed continually, such as new gears, the method to get old Runes, secret class-specific items, along with higher PvP ranks and so on.

This article will focus on the details of this new raid, Crystal Vale.

The Details Of Crystal Vale Raid

Crystal Vale refers to a new single-boss instance that a team that owns 20 to 40 players is available to challenge a reimagined version of Prince Thunderaan.

Prince Thunderaan spawned during the quest of getting Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker Legendary weapon and left a deep impression for players.

Crystal Vale Raid bears some similarity with Onyxia’s Lair, and Lord Kazzak and Azuregos added in Season of Discovery Phase 4.

Players also have rich rewards to claim. For example, an improved version of Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of Windseeker, Tier 2 belt tokens, together with some new loot for all classes. The good news is that all players can challenge this raid regardless of whether they have the Thunderfury questline enabled.

More Details About Season Of Discovery Phase 5

Recalling the classic memes of World of Warcraft, Prince Thunderaan with his representative sword, Leeroy Jenkins and Mankrik’s Wife is definitely on the list.

And one of the most popular topics among players is asking each other if anyone has mentioned Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of Windseeker. Therefore, this update and the influx of Thunderfurys obtained via this new raid will definitely bring another wave of discussion.

Season of Discovery Phase 5 promises players the returning of classic raids Blackwing Lair and Zul’Gurub with a few changes have been made. In Blackwing Lair, you will encounter Trials of the Dragon flights, and get additional rewards, while Zul’Gurub offers you unique challenges each week.

Moreover, players can even fight Hakkar in a strengthened state. In order to win the rich rewards after victory, it is recommended to enhance the strength of your character by devoting some WoW Classic SoD Gold.

Recently, the developers have made a new update to Phase 5, which guarantees us a revamped versions of fan-favorite raids, PvP incentives, and popular quality-of-life changes.

With new buffs, runes, and more coming in this latest patch, it is deserved to kick off your adventure now!

The above is a brand new raid that was introduced in Phase 5 - Crystal Vale. Thanks for reading.

WoW Classic SoD: How To Defeat Boss Azuregos? - Strategies And Rewards

WoW Classic SoD: How To Defeat Boss Azuregos? - Strategies And Rewards

Publish Date: Sep 30 ,2024

Azuregos serves as one of the two highest level World Bosses that have been overhauled a little. It is relatively simple to deal with Azuregos, but there are some strategies needed to be kept in mind to improve the efficiency of the battle. Of course, after successfully defeating this boss, players can also get some loot.

This article mainly introduces how to defeat Azuregos’s strategy and the corresponding loots that you will get.

WoW Classic SoD: How To Defeat Boss Azuregos? - Strategies And Rewards

The Location Of Azuregos

Players and their Raid should head to the south-center of this area - Azshara. To get there, travel northeast along the road until you have arrived at the mountain range that juts into the middle of the zone.

Then turn east. This is a cliff area. Be careful not to fall off. Then continue to move southeast and you will reach Azshara.

The journey for Alliance players is relatively simple. Head to Talrendis Point in southwestern Azshara, and then travel northeast. Do not take the shortcut to Azshara directly from the southeast or you will encounter Horde encampment nestled in the mountains.

Horde players should make their way to Splintertree Post in Ashenvale, then go along the road to reach Azshara. Keep an eye out for Alliance NPCs at Talrendis Point. Continue northeast and eventually reach Azuregos.

You will see an instance portal when you arrive in Azuregos which nestled in an array of pillars and surrounded by crystals. You can unlock the portal without Attunement.

After entering the portal and mounting up, you will kick off the journey to search the area with your Raid, trying to find Azuregos and slay him.

How To Defeat Azuregos?

As a Raid-level boss, Azuregos is equipped with a variety of abilities to deepen the difficulties of fighting. But there are not many abilities that really need to be paid attention to.

First, Melee players should always stay behind the boss and slightly move left or right to avoid being hit by his Frost Breath frontal cone and Cleave attack. Alternatively, you can choose to improve your evasion skills by devoting some WoW Classic SoD Gold.

Teleport ability will transport every player to the location of Azuregos and reset aggro. Therefore, before starting an actual fight, DPS and Healers have to let Tank establish aggro again.

Casters and Mana-users should pay much attention to Manastorm AoE ability, which will consume your mana quickly, especially under the situation that Azuregos has activated Magic Reflection.

Similar to Lord Kazzak, Azuregos does not regain a chunk of HP after being hit, which has decreased the difficulties of this boss encounter.

The Rewards Of Azuregos

There are totally 11 rewards on offer in WoW SoD as drops of Azuregos loot table. These The items vary, but are more suited to caster and ranged classes. For example, Mature Blue Dragon Sinew or Mage’s Cold Snap wand.

Based on the size of your group, the loot you’ll get will vary. If you are determined to take down Azuregos with just 20 players, you will face less competition when it comes to Azuregos’ loot, but the battle will be more difficult. All world bosses reset twice a week, so if you don’t get the gear you want, it’s recommended to repeat the challenge.

Here are the loot details:

WoW Classic SoD: Azuregos Rewards

That’s all about how to fight Azuregos in WoW Classic SoD. Thanks for reading.

WoW Classic SoD: A Deep Dive Into This Brand-New Dungeon - Demon Fall Canyon

WoW Classic SoD: A Deep Dive Into This Brand-New Dungeon - Demon Fall Canyon

Publish Date: Sep 30 ,2024

WoW Classic Season of Discovery has introduced a new dungeon called Demon Fall Canyon. This dungeon is quite special because it is a SoD original.

Beside the addition of a brand new dungeon, World of Warcraft Classic also rolled out its first highest level update for Season of Discovery.

WoW Classic SoD: A Deep Dive Into This Brand-New Dungeon - Demon Fall Canyon

For instances, experimental servers complete mountains of new Rune engravings, Blackrock Eruptions world event in Burning Steppes and Searing Gorge, and instanced raid versions Azuregos and Doom Lord Kazzak–two representative world bosses from World of Warcraft Classic. Moreover, the updates also contain revamped versions of Molten Core and Onyxia’s Lair.

However, the biggest surprise refers to the new dungeon that mentioned above. This article will detail Demon Fall Canyon circumstantially.

The Details Of Demon Fall Canyon

Demon Fall Canyon is located in a secluded, corrupted region in southeast Ashenvale. Players are required Attunement in order to enter it.

By completing Demonic Deceptions quest, which can be acquired by Shadowtooth Emissary in Felwood, players have the chance to enter this level 55-60 dungeon.

Demon Fall Canyon is overwhelmed with a variety of enemies and 6 new bosses that you have ever met before. To face those unknown risks, if you lack in confidence, then it is wise to upgrade the performance of your weapons by spending some WoW Classic SoD Gold.

As the place that Grommash Hellscream slew Mannoroth, the demon whose blood corrupted Orcs, during WarCraft 3, Demon Fall Canyon is also available in other versions of WoW. But it only includes a floating, shattered glaive of Pit Lord and a monument of the legendary World of Warcraft orc there. And Season of Discovery has successfully transformed this vital lore spot into a whole dungeon.

How To Get Attunement To Enter New Dungeon?

Firstly, you are needed to pick up Demonic Deceptions quest from Shadowtooth Emissary in Felwood, and then get 6 Owlbeast Pineal Glands from Berserk Owlbeasts in Winterspring, north of Everlook after beating Owlbeasts. But you have to satisfy the demands of level to pick up the quest.

After completing these two tasks, you can get Shadowtooth Illusion Ward by exchanging 6 Glands with Shadowtooth Emissary. With Illusion Ward being equipped, head to Demon Fall Canyon and you are available to see the entrance of dungeon.

Six Bosses In Demon Fall Canyon

Here lies the detail of 6 boss that you are going to launch encounter fight with them.

  • Grimroot, Mourning Guardian–a corrupted Ancient of Lore
  • Destructor’s Wraith–a manifestation of Mannoroth in the shape of a spectral Felguard
  • Zilbagob–an imp piloting a Goblin shredder
  • Pyranis–a corrupted Druid
  • Diathorus the Seeker–a Dreadlord
  • Hellscream’s Phantom–an echo of Grommash Hellscream

Hellscream’s Phantom, the last boss in the dungeon, will drop Shadow of Gorehowl, one of the most iconic axes in World of Warcraft history. It will definitely add a layer of expection and excitement to this journey.

That’s all about Demon Fall Canyon, the new dungeon introduced in WoW Classic SoD. Thanks for reading.

WoW Classic SoD: How To Get Full Molten Core Attunement? - Location & Tips

WoW Classic SoD: How To Get Full Molten Core Attunement? - Location & Tips

Publish Date: Sep 29 ,2024

One of the most representative parts of the original WoW endgame is Molten Core raid, where players are going to challenge the lair of Ragnaros the Firelord. At the moment, players are allowed to enter the enhanced lair of Ragnaros, and deal with the new boss by advantage of the fresh new Runes and abilities.

This article will go into detail on how to get Molten Core Attunement, with the method to start MC attune quest in SoD, and the things you need to do inside BRD to complete this raid pre-requisite.

WoW Classic SoD: How To Get Full Molten Core Attunement? - Location & Tips

Molten Core Raid Entrance Location

Molten Core can be counted as a unique Raid in WoW because it resides partway of another instance, Blackrock Depths. Players are required to head to Blackrock Depths and reach a bridge guarded by Fire Elementals, where a swirling green Raid entrance portal will be discovered behind it.

How To Get Molten Core Attunement?

First, players need to reach Level 55 to unlock Molten Core Attunement. Unfortunately, if you have not reached this level requirement and are going to run BRD for XP, you are not available to push MC attunement forward.

Once you have satisfied the requirement of Level 55, travel to Blackrock Mountain. Go along the chain and through Mausoleum, then take down the path of the chain that leads into the quarry next to Blackrock Depths.

Keep going after that. Don’t turn right or you will miss Lothros Riftwalker, a High Elf who will provide the quest of “Attunement To The Core” to you.

This quest is best completed as a group. WoW SoD players have to head to the level 50 to 56-ish dungeon Blackrock Depths inside Blackrock Mountain to finish the quest, where is overwhelmed with a variety of fierce bosses. You are in need of a powerful Rogue friend who has a high enough lock-picking skill to get through everything in BRD (about 260 should do it). And a player who has Shadowforge Key is in desperate need, too.

It is not recommended to complete this quest alone. It is more effective to form a group to play to the strengths of each class. And it is recommended to enhance the performance of your weapon by devoting some WoW Classic SoD Gold before kicking off the quest.

The item that needs to be collected within Blackrock Depths is Core Fragment, which can be founded within the largest WoW Classic dungeon, right next to Raid entrance itself.

How To Find Core Fragment?

Make your way to BRD and go through the dungeon until you reach Grim Guzzler. Then, after crossing a small metal platform to another room, the boss Ambassador Flamelash will be there.

Defeat this boss and enter the curved room with a few plenty of large Golems and Dark Iron dwarves and continue entering into the next room to find Molten Bridge, then find a conspicuous stalactite, and interact with it to get Core Fragment.

That’s it for Molten Core Attunement in WoW Classic SoD. Thanks for reading.

WOW Classic SOD: Which Consumables Are Best For Each Class? - A Detailed List

WOW Classic SOD: Which Consumables Are Best For Each Class? - A Detailed List

Publish Date: Sep 25 ,2024

In the ever-changing stages of World of Warcraft Season of Discovery, players have more and more things to explore, such as level caps and different endgame dungeons and raids. But one thing that will not change no matter which stage you go into a raid is that you need to bring some consumables.

There are a lot of consumables for you to choose from in WOW SOD, but you need to make targeted choices based on your raid role and the strengths of their class. This is very important because the right consumables will make your raid easier.

WOW Classic SOD: Which Consumables Are Best For Each Class? - A Detailed List

This guide will give you a list of the best consumables for each class to use when playing different roles. However, it should be noted that most of the best consumables need to be crafted first, so prepare them as early as possible before the raid.

Consumables For All Classes

Although I just said that you need to choose consumables for specific classes and roles, there are some consumables that you must bring when you go into battle. Some are very easy to craft, so you can make some of them. They’ll both make your raiding and exploring endgame dungeons a lot easier, as will get that final SOD Gold.

  • Enchanted Sigi: It provides 30 bonus damage and healing spells and attack damage to everyone in the raid.
  • Might of Stormwind: It provides 15 bonus attack speed and 300 bonus health to your character.
  • Cooking Recipes: Certain foods and drinks have bonuses that stack with flasks, potions, and elixirs, so if you don’t have a good idea of ​​what food you want to craft, just bring the recipes.
  • Demonic Runes: It helps you recover some mana, useful for any class that uses mana. But be aware that your health will be lower at this time, so you need to make a trade-off between the two.
  • Winterspring Doctor: If you bring Witch Doctor Mau’ari to Winterspring, it will turn it into some powerful Jujus and provide you with better elemental resistance and enhanced attack and spell power.

Best Consumables For Each Class

The following are the best consumables for each class when playing different roles. You can choose the most suitable one according to your combat habits and strategies.


Feral DPS

  • Catnip
  • Flask of Supreme Power
  • Elixir of Mongoose
  • Grilled Squid
  • Free Action Potion

Balance DPS

  • Flask of Supreme Power
  • Wizard Oil
  • Mageblood Potion
  • Cerebral Cortex Compound
  • Runn Tum Tuber Surprise or Nightfin Soup


  • Flask of Distilled Wisdom
  • Elixir of Fortitude or Elixir of Defense
  • Mighty Troll’s Blood Potion
  • Cerebral Cortex Compound
  • Nightfin Soup


  • Elixir of Giants or Elixir of Mongoose
  • Greater Stoneshield Potion
  • Winterfall Firewater
  • Grilled Squid or Smoked Desert Dumplings
  • Rumsey Rum Black Label


Melee DPS

  • Greater Nature or Shadow or Fire or Arcane Protection Potion
  • Elixir of Mongoose
  • Atal’ai Mojo of War
  • Grilled Squid
  • Winterfall Firewater
  • Oil of Immolation

Ranged DPS

  • Elixir of Mongoose
  • Nightfin Soup or Grilled Squid
  • Atal’ai Mojo of War
  • Wizard Oil
  • Demonic Runes

Mage - Healer Or DPS

  • Flask of Supreme Power
  • Greater Arcane Elixir or Elixir of Firepower
  • Wizard Oil
  • Nightfin Soup or Runn Tum Tuber Suprise
  • Mageblood Potion
  • Cerebral Cortex Compound
  • Mildly Irradiated Rejuvenation Potion (Alchemists only)



  • Flask of Distilled Wisdom
  • Mageblood Potion
  • Demonic Runes
  • Cerebral Cortex Compound
  • Nightfin Soup
  • Wizard Oil


  • Flask of Titans
  • Blessed Sunfruit
  • Juju Power or Elixir of Giants
  • Grilled Squid or Nightfin Soup
  • R.O.I.D.S.
  • Winterfall Firewater


  • Flask of Supreme Power
  • Greater Stoneshield Potion
  • Elixir of Fortitude
  • Rumsey Rum Black Label
  • Grilled Squid



  • Flask of Distilled Wisdom
  • Wizard Oil
  • Elixir of Greater Defense
  • Greater Arcane Elixir
  • Nightfin Soup


  • Flask of Supreme Power
  • Greater Arcane Elixir or Elixir of Shadow Power
  • Cerebral Cortex Compound
  • Nightfin Soup or Tender Wolf Steak
  • Demonic Runes

Rogue - Tank Or DPS

  • Flask of Titans
  • Juju Power
  • Elixir of Mongoose
  • Grilled Squid
  • Rumsey Rum Delight
  • Winterfall Firewater



  • Flask of Distilled Wisdom
  • Elixir of Superior Defense
  • Wizard Oil
  • Runn Tum Tuber Surprise
  • Rumsey Rum Black Label


  • Flask of Titans
  • Juju Might
  • Elixir of Fortitude
  • Grilled Squid or Dragonbreath Chili
  • Rumsey Rum Black Label
  • Elemental Or Enhancement DPS
  • Flask of Supreme Power
  • Demonic Runes
  • Mageblood Potion
  • Elixir of Fortitude
  • Nightfin Soup or Runn Tum Tuber Surprise
  • Enchanted Sigil: Living Dreams (Enchanters only)



  • Flask of Titans
  • Elixir of Fortitude
  • Wizard Oil
  • Rumsey Rum Black Label
  • Mildly Irradiated Rejuvenation Potion (Alchemists only)


  • Flask of Supreme Power
  • Mageblood Potion
  • Elixir of Shadow Power or Elixir of Firepower
  • Wizard Oil
  • Rumsey Rum Black Label
  • Nightfin Soup



  • Flask of Titans
  • Juju Power or Elixir of Giants
  • Grilled Squid or Dragonbreath Chili
  • Winterfall Firewater
  • Rumsey Rum Black Label


  • Flask of Titans
  • Juju Power or R.O.I.D.S.
  • Elixir of Mongoose
  • Grilled Squid
  • Rumsey Rum Black Label

These are the best consumables for each class in raids in WOW Classic SOD. Hopefully, you can craft enough of these items early in the game, and your raids will be much easier with them. Have fun!


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